Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Healthy Start

While now is not the time for me to start exercising and losing weight, as a family we need to focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Not only for us, but for the boys and Bean.

Recently I have been blog searching and following a few very fascinating food blogs, about people my age who have a very healthy lifestyle and blog about it everyday - pictures, recipes, stories.. I am envious of the foods they post because they all look so delicious and fun to try!

After talking this over with Brent, he agreed. Not only have I spent the past few years studying and learning about healthy living but recently we have watched several documentaries about food, the food process, how food is made, and the food industry and it really changed how we look at food and it inspired us to make a lot of changes in how we will eat from now on.

A few new changes:
-no more fast food (with the exception of Subway, and sometimes Taco Bell)
-no more meat from big corporations, such as Wal-Mart. We will buy from organic farmers or local farmers, but only grass-fed cows and non-growth hormone chicken... which is very rare to find now-a-days surprisingly.
-LOTS of fruits and veggies... locally grown of course. :-)
-more exercising, even if it is just a walk a day.
-maintain a flexatarian diet... this means that we will still eat meat but only on occasion, meals will be more focused on fruits and veggies. This is mostly for Brent, after I have Bean I will probably go back to a mostly vegetarian (lacto-ovo) lifestyle.

We are excited, and hoping that we can encourage our families and others to start eating healthier.

This blog will mostly document pictures of the new recipes I try, our stories and adventures, and anything everything else fun that goes into maintaining a healthy lifestyle!

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