Friday, October 15, 2010

Birth Plan

First of all, thank you so much to everyone who commented, called, or texted me about my last entry. Everyone's love and support means so much to me and I really appreciate it.

Now, to answer a few questions that were asked... mostly about my birth plan and how I feel about it being changed.

Even before I found out I was pregnant I had a pretty good idea of how I would want my birth plan to be, after I got pregnant and I started reading information and attended a childbirth class it did not change my mind... but as most of you know I am pretty stubborn (I do have to take the blame for Elly already developing that trait) and I am not afraid of a little pain.

So, here is how I wanted it to happen: I wanted to do go through most of early labor at home - it's more comfortable and I can eat food other than ice chips and popsicles. However, since this is my first and I don't know what to expect I figured I would probably end up having Brent take me to the hospital when I was only around 3-4 cm dilated, which is good but still makes for a long labor in the hospital. I wanted a completely natural vaginal delivery. I do not want to be induced, unless medically necessary. I did not want any pain medications and I most definitely did not want an epidural - I am not afraid of needles, but I would love to be able to get up and have a shower after I give birth. I also did not want an episiotomy (where the doctor cuts instead of letting you tear naturally). That was the plan...

After we went through our birthing class we learned a few things about our hospital, the main one being that almost everyone gets induced for convenience. Either so your doctor can deliver your baby (we go to a woman's clinic that employs four OB's) or so it is convenient for you. Okay, so I am not going to be induced just to have my doctor deliver my baby. That would be nice since we have really gotten to know him, but we have spoke with all four doctors in the practice and they all seem very nice and I'm sure any of them would do a great job. So, problem one solved.

As far as the rest of it, it depends on her position. Our hospital will not vaginally deliver a baby who is breech so that option is out. They will try the inversion procedure once, which I have opted for if necessary, but if that fails the only option is a c-section.

I obviously do not want a c-section. The healing process is longer and I will have to wait a few hours after delivery to even hold Elly (sad face!) BUT if it comes down to it, I am okay with this option. I want her to be healthy and happy and if that requires a c-section then that's what it's going to be. I will probably be upset, but not everything always goes as we plan it. Plus, I have had time to mentally prepare myself for it so that helps.

The doctor and the nurse who instructed the birthing class both gave me ways to try and get her to flip naturally. I have tried a few, and will continue to try them for the next couple of weeks until our ultrasound. These included exercises, flash lights, and music... most seemed funny to Brent and I, but whatever works, works and I am willing to try anything.

In other news, we finally got Brent's car up and running and have the car seat installed (!!!) so everything is almost ready for her arrival! I have all of her clothes washed and put away. Our hospital bags are packed and sitting there waiting. and we are so excited to finally meet her! I'm sure I will continue to go crazy cleaning every inch of the apartment from now until delivery, but the hard work will pay off once she is here and I do not feel like doing anything. :)


  1. I watch a TON of baby shows on T.V. and the number 1 thing I have learned is that no birth goes as planned.. I would like to say I will vaginally deliver and hold out to have an epidural until the last second (if I can't handle the pain haha) but who knows what will happen.. If a c-section is necessary I guess that's okay too. I definitely feel your pain about wanting your birth plan to go just right though.
    I figured out RIGHT away that our hospital induces for convenience which pissed me off. haha I left one of my appointments upset because my doctor mentioned something about inducing patients for tax credit purposes when we were discussing her due date. Let's just say "I don't think so."
    My mom works in surgery and sees c-sections everyday and is constantly reassuring me that they are not bad.. A lot of cesareans are performed at their hospital when they have the slightest feeling that something might go wrong during a vaginal delivery.. so hopefully that helps you feel better that your baby could potentially be in a safer situation.
    I can't wait until we get our car seat in the car!!! SO exciting! :)

  2. Heather your sister was delivered c-section with the epidural and I got to hold her instantly. I was up and about and even called my boss (I had to call in sick you know since she came early and I was suppose to work) anyway from the recovery room - I felt wonderful and the healing process was very fast. You, on the other hand, was an emergency c-section and I was put out - recovery was slow and I didn't get to hold you for several hours.
